SHOW 2016
In collaboration with Leonie Brieler, USA.
"The Self-made Self" is a fashion collection inspired by female body parts. Our designs walked the ramp of SCAD Fashion Show 2016.
Skills :
Industrial Design
Concept Development
Team Collaboration
Rapid Prototyping
3D Printing
Location :
Duration :
Team :
Savannah, GA, USA
Jan 2017 - Mar 2017
(Design + Final Product Detail)
Self + Leonie Brieler
Picture Credits (Leonie)
"The Self-made Self" is a Fashion Collaboration Project with
Leonie Brieler.
This was an 8 weeks collaboration project for the collection of garments representing various body parts of a female designed by Leonie Brieler. Primarily my contribution to the project was to design details that were holding the design elements on the garments.
This design detail was an original replication of Leonie’s thumbprint. The collection was featured, presented and walked on the ramp of The SCAD Fashion Show 2016.
My Learning Experience
First-time experience working on a fashion design project.
My primary role was to design the details that were holding the design elements on the garments. We started with abstracting the details from Leonie's concept idea behind the collection. Her main focus was to subtly highlight and represent the body parts of the female on the garments.
Taking her idea further, I proposed her to use her own Right Hand Thumbprint as the concept for her details. We started with collecting her 14 best thumbprints and shortlisting the ones that we could use for making the actual size design on SolidWorks and KeyShot for 3D Printing.
We went through 14 rapid prototype trials on SolidWorks, until we finalised the one that we used for the collection. We made two variations of the final design: vertical and horizontal.
We printed 50 vertical and 50 horizontal thumbpieces. Leonie finished all the thumbpieces with the Copper Metallic Spray Paint to match the design language of the collection. She hand-stitched all the 100 thumbpieces on the garments for the SCAD Fashion Show
in 2 days.
The project is graphically presented using 6-steps D.E.S.I.G.N Model process.
I quickly started with the imagination part of the project as Leonie had already finished the primary and secondary research part for developing the design criteria and the collection. I started with collecting Leonie's right thumbprints and visualized the detail in SolidWorks and KeyShot.

14 variation of Leonie's Right Hand Thumbprint were collected. All the variations were scanned and drawn on SolidWorks to select the best one for creating the final 3D model and renderings. After 3D printing few prototypes from SolidWorks, the thumbpiece design underwent change and got updated by trying various sketches to resolve the issue.

After 3D printing few prototypes, changing the design and finally shortlisting the design with its two variations. Leonie started trying applying various finishes: Golden Foil, Metallic Paint, Copper Leafing Pen, and Copper Metallic Spray Paint. We finalised Copper Metallic Spray Paint, this was the best match for design language of the collection.

After Copper Metallic Spray Painting all the 100 thumbpieces, Leonie started final implementation by hand-stitching all the thumbpieces on the garments for the SCAD Fashion Show in 2 days.

For the Go phase, the final 3D printed design pieces were stitched on the 10 garment collection and presented at the SCAD Gallery followed by three garments walking the ramp of Fashion Show 2016.

SCAD Fashion Show 2016

Two garments from the collection were featured on Business of Fashion website, SCAD Connector website and complete video reel on the SCAD website.

Like an industrial symphony, the sound of sewing machines marked each one of my steps as I tried to keep up with my guide.
Passion is the fuel of fashion, and SCAD hosts eager designers from all corners of the world. At least five distinct languages permeated the studio space that night.
Some designers debated the state of fashion as they cut pieces of patterns and fabric.
Their inspiration comes from everywhere in the globe — that became obvious browsing through the designs and prints. Some say their ideas are sparked by tribes that have perished and the way they would adorn their bodies and others by the state of the world and humanity.
Technology and athleisure seem to continue inspiring the new millennial fashion designers. Coming off the heels of the Met Gala, where the theme was a Fashion in the Age of Technology, it is no surprise that many young designers are creating and merging both.

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